Inspiring Blog Award


The rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.

2. Tell 7 things about you that will not come up in your blog entries.

3. Pass it on to 7 blogs you find inspiring and explain why.

Let’s start.

1. I’m actually very happy that ~R.L.King nominated me for this award. Her writing is marvelous and it’s quite an honour that she’d find my writing inspiring and I of course feel no less about hers so; Thanks again ~R.L.King!

#1. My friends basically ruined the bouncing ball where I wrote my favorite characters of all time so now I have to get a new one, the first name on will be Bernice of Cilia and then Titus Vespanius

#2. My favorite book is “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzgerald.

#3. While I was writing “Love Lost” I actually had Jay Gatsby (and myself to be honest) in mind.

#4. The picture on my gravatar is my pride and joy, my nephew! I use his picture because he looks like me when I was his age.

#5. I live in Stockholm, I would’ve preferred any city in France but that’ll have to wait.

#6. I currently reading a large amount of classic books to prepare myself for a course in philosophy I’m taking this fall.

#7. I’ve tried to cook as well as my mum for a full year now and recently I finally gave up, there’s nothing quite like mums cooking 🙂


#1. Eve Redwater from Redwater Ramblings. She’s the one who encouraged me to start this blog and it’s because of her inspiring work that I actually  choose to start writing again, her writing is…exquisite I think is the right word.

#2. Nikash Blogs. It’s always a pleasant surprise when that blog is updated and from time to time you’ll find yourself reading thoughtful words that leaves you in awe.

#3. Marina Sofia and her blog finding time to write. I find her blog inspiring because of the strong message imbedded in each poem. Each poem is a study session and best of all; you get to learn while reading great poetry.

#4. Lauren Scott and her blog LSCOTT POETRY. It’s like entering a safe haven when you enter her blog. Her poems are smooth, beautiful and they make it easy to take your mind of things and just relax and enjoy the reading.

#5. Atirah Jewel and her blog Lil’ Red Writing Hood. Her poems always evoke strong feelings that actually makes me want to stop whatever I’m doing and write myself.  Of course this goes for all the other blogs too but perhaps not the same extent as hers.

#6. Thoughts on theatre. I love the blog, it’s often updated with fun facts about theatre and more importantly great quotes to get motivation and draw inspiration from.

#7. Queridaj and her blog Into The Indigo. It’s a pleasure to read her work. I get to experience a variety of powerful emotions through her poems, a large amount of perplexing thoughts and the wonderful usage of words to paint pictures.

I know I’ve nominated some of these bloggers before but I can’t help myself, their work is worth it so take your time to fully enjoy what they offer 🙂

20 thoughts on “Inspiring Blog Award

  1. David Eric Cummins says:


  2. Thank you so much Ami! It’s an honor and congrats to you!

  3. MarinaSofia says:

    Thank you, I am so flattered. Sweden? I would never have guessed! I live in France, so you’ll have to come and visit. And philosophy sounds perfect for you.

  4. […] you so much Ami Fidèle for nominating Thoughts on Theatre for the Inspiring Blog Award! It’s a joy to have connected […]

  5. ~R.L.King says:

    ah…Gatsby, that makes sense…I think I read it so long ago you weren’t even born yet…lol

  6. Your words touch so deeply within…

  7. and your ideas about how to make THE INSPIRING BLOG award even more interesting are very good!

  8. Congratulations!

    And what better occasion to share this news,
    I have nominated you for The Reader Appreciation Award as a reader of your blog who enjoys all your posts (though my “like” and comment frequency may not be the best)

    You can check out the award here


    • Ami Fidèle says:

      Thank for being so kind. I apologize for the lingering answer, I’m a bit occupied with studies right now but I’m very grateful 🙂

      • ~Lady Day says:

        Ami…you’re alive! We miss your transcentent writing friend. Write again soon 🙂

      • Ami Fidèle says:

        I’m so sorry for my absence. We’re going through three intense weeks of studies at the university, two more and I can finally write again 🙂

      • ~Lady Day says:

        Well you should know, I miss reading your work, and I wish you the best in your studies.

  9. atirahjewel says:

    I nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger” award. For the rules go here:

    Another Award

  10. Yeah! Yahoo! & Congratulations!

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